It is best to measure out the bait using a measuring cup so you can make bait with a constant consistency.

1 cup

2 cups

1 cup

(A clear 200 ml measuring cup is best)

Mix the dry parts togethor well.
Add in the water and mix quickly. This blend is quite thick, therefore it doesn't have to be worked over that much.
Gather the mix to one side and let it sit for 2-3 mins before use.

Even if it takes a bit of extra time, it is a good idea to make sure the bait is firmly attached.

When the fish aren't biting be sure to put lots of bait on the hook. Extra bait can be added around the hook shank.

Once the fish are feeding you can cut down on the amount of bait on the hook.

When there are too many bites, or the fish are just nibbling on the line, it is best to roll a ball of bait and then slide this on to the hook.

You should strike when the float has been moving and then suddenly makes a large movement.