CEFAS is an internationally renowned research centre funded by the British Government, and involved in the preservation and protection of fish stocks, environments and the aquaculture industry. It is also involved in a wide range of research projects, consulting roles, monitoring and training. Clients include the British and many foreign governments, international bodies and organisations. |
CEFAS has a staff compliment of approximately 550 who are based at 3 specialist laboratories within the UK. CEFAS also has an ocean going research vessel and their facilities are equipped with the latest laboratory, tank and aquatic field based equipment. |
CEFAS has been involved in pheromone research for 15 years and has previously identified and characterised a wide range of pheromones that are involved in attracting and synchronising reproduction in freshwater and marine fish. |
CEFAS develops scientific and technical systems for assessing and understanding a wide range of coastal and marine issues, such as, dredging, offshore windfarm development, fishing, aquaculture, coastal development, etc. This has enabled them to stay at the forefront of environmental management. CEFAS's major strength lies in the system of ecotoxicology, where they can measure and predict the impacts of a pollutant on the environment and also identify their source. |
CEFAS also makes wide use of computer modelling to predict trends in the environment. They are constantly investing in computer technology to develop increasingly complex, yet faster models. There hard work is embodied in the National Marine Monitoring Programme which provides data used to assess long term trends in the quality of the marine environment. |
CEFAS works with the commercial aquaculture industry to provide specialist services so they can develop safe, productive and profitable new products. In fact, they have contributed to the development of numerous vaccines, veterinary medicines and feed additives being used in aquaculture around the world. |
CEFAS works with governments and private sector clients around the world to solve the challenges of coastal and offshore environmental management, utilising their 50 years of experience in monitoring and assessment. CEFAS works as an advisor to the UK government and has undertaken projects on behalf of the EU and international donor agencies. |
Many CEFFAS scientists are leaders in their field and advisors to international bodies. CEFAS also provides advice to enforcement agencies and policy makers on disease prevention and management. CEFAS's in-house teams advise on, develop and implement a wide range of advanced tagging and instrumentation products for clients. They also provide full data services, and tailor made software solutions including internet based GIS applications. |
CEFAS provides advice to governments on the development of regulations and policy frameworks to create and maintain a sustainable industry. They also advise on EU standards for importing and exporting and meeting the requirements for EU accession.
In the UK fish farms, freshwater fisheries, rivers and lakes are largely free from the most serious diseases affecting other countries, due to the hard work of CEFAS, in effective regulatory monitoring and enforcement. |
Dr. Andrew Moore has brought the study of pheromones to the sports fishing and Aquaculture industry, by developing ULTRABITE™.
Dr. Moore has worked as a consultant for many international organisations and governments on environmental and preservation issues, and has published over forty papers on marine ecology. |